Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MP's have their way, get further hike in perks

Now a MP would cost 1.6 lakh per month to the state which includes the basic pay of Rs 50,000, daily allowance of RS 2,000, constituency allowance of RS 45,000 and office allowance of Rs 45,000.The cost does not include the bunglow in Lutyens Delhi  and other perks including free air and rail travel. Seriously politics has to be the best profession in india for it is the only industry where u get a pay hike even when you do nothing. the duties of a MP are not clearly defined.
they are totally whimsical and left to themselves to carry on which ever direction they want to go or conduct themselves. 
They scorn at the very janta who have put them there. So much value for the so called people's power
in the greatest democracy. Our role finishes at the Polling Booth. What ever happens after that, all the underhand deals, compromises, give & take are now left to the so called leadership of the parties or the individuals in every industry an employess remuneration is linked with his performance. so y cant our gvernment devise a scheme wherin these so called public servants are paid according to the work they put in for the benefit of this country. this will not only save some of the tax payers money but would motivate these scamsters to work for their constituency and not for their own benefit. power should come with responsibility and accountability.

the MP s demanded a pay hike and the government caved in to their demands.they were not satisfied and they demanded a further hike and again the government relented. now their salaries have tripled along with increase in perks but has the Indian GDP tripled or for that matter doubled? has povery been reduced by half or even one
third? has corruption decreased...NO...then Y should these people get a pay hike..?


  1. Do they really care about such meager hikes when we know how much they hold in their SWISS BANK accounts?

  2. Maybe it might reduce corruption a bit ? i am being too optimistic but then i am an indian...and i live on hope !

    I think instead of providing them with so many perks.. they shld raise there salary further and give them no perks.Let them live on there own and not spend on the taxpayers money.
    In pvt sector, when we talk of perks we get a car, driver and a house at most. and when we talk of MP's we get a list which might fill this blog.

    is my slogan
